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Suomen Kansan Maine Kansainvälisesti Voitti Viidellä Rintamalla 2024

Suomen kansan maine voitti kansainvälisesti viidellä rintamalla

  1. Diplomaattisesti
  2. Eettisesti
  3. Moraalisesti
  4. Militaarisesti
  5. Raamatullisesti

Suomen Presidentti Vaalin loppusuoralla, Kokoomus ja Vihreitten edustajat, Alexander Stubb ja Pekka Haavisto olivat saaneet äänestäjiä jokaiselta tuulensuunnalta suomea. On selvää miksi Kokoomuksen edustaja Alexander Stubb, sai niin paljon suosiota ja ääniä koko Suomen kansalta, mutta jää kyseenalaiseksi miksi NATO vastustajat, Yhdysvaltojen viholliset, Marxilaiset ja Kommunisti filosofiaa kannattava porukka, ja Vihreitten Homo paria kannustettiin niin intohimolla Suomen kultarantaan, Presidentin linnaan viideksi vuodeksi? Siinä olisi ollut riivaaja hengillä kerskaamista Saatanan voitosta Suomen valtiossa pitkäksi aikaa.

Ainoa looginen selitys sille on että äänestäjät äänestivät protesti mielessä, se toi äärilaidan ajattelijat yhteen, heissä oli entisiä NATO vastustajia, Yhdysvaltojen vihollisia, Juutalaisten Pyhien Kirjoituksien vihollisia ja Kristittyjen vihollisia, tarkoita sitä että he eivät siedä Juutalaisten Pyhien Kirjoituksien Maailmakuvaa, missä Elämän Luoja (YHWH) on olemassa, ulkopuolella aikaa ja tilaa.

Elämän Luoja on antanut ihmiskunnalle elämän ohjeet ja moraali raamit minkä sisällä ihmisen pitää pysyä ja elää. Ohjeet on annettu ihmiskunnalle noin 3470 vuotta sitten, Siinai vuorella.    

Suomen kansan kunnia ja ylpeys yli 500 vuoden ajan on ollut kunnioittaa Elämän Luojaa, Pelätä Elämän Luojaa enemmän kuin uhkarohkeasti antautua synnin houkutuksille ja vihdotuksille.

Ihmisen hengellisen aivojen toiminta muuttuu hyvin nopeasti, jos ihminen antautuu lihan himoille ja tekee lihan himoista epäjumalan mitä alkaa sitten palvelemaan kaikesta sielusta, voimalla ja hengellä.

Ihmisen Elävän Sielun Mielentoiminnat

Ihmisen elävän sielun mielen toiminnat ovat

  1. Äly,
  2. Tajunta,
  3. Mielikuvitus,
  4. Tahto,
  5. Muisti,
  6. Tunteet.

Ihmisellä on kyky valita oman polun vapaan tahdon kautta, Juutalaisten Pyhien Kirjoituksien viisauden Hengen avulla.

Ihmiset kehittyvät ja kasvavat perheissä, siellä ohjaa vanhempien uhraava rakkaus, viisauden henki ja taito. Ihmiset ketkä hylkäävät vanhempien moraali ohjeet, usein sitten nojaavat omalle ymmärrykselle ja menevät sen tien kautta harhaa. Ihmisen oma tahto on ollut monelle ihmiselle synkkä umpikuja.  

 Sekulaarit humanistit usein ovat hylänneet Elämän Luojan viisauden, ja luottavat oman tahdon ymmärrykselle. He sanovat vanha viisaus on vanhaa, ja että nykypäivänä tarvitsemme uutta tietoa ja uutta viisautta.

Sekulaari humanistit tuovat uusia sanoja millä syrjittää Elämän Luojan antamat ohjeet ja viisaus.

Yksi heidän uusista sanoistansa on Homofobia.

Homofobia Sana Kiertää Synti Sanan Määritystä

Sekulaarit humanistit puolustavat homoseksuaalisuutta.

 Ihmiset ketkä kunnioittavat ja puolustavat Elämän Luojan antamia ohjeita, kuten 3 Mooseksen kirja.

3 Mooseksen Kirja 18:19-30.

  • “Älä yhdy naiseen, joka on kuukautistilansa vuoksi epäpuhdas. Älä makaa toisen miehen vaimon kanssa, ettet tulisi saastaiseksi. Älä uhraa lastasi Molokille, sillä jos niin teet, häpäiset oman Jumalasi nimen.
  • Älä makaa miehen kanssa niin kuin naisen kanssa maataan, sillä se on kauhistuttava teko. Älä yhdy mihinkään eläimeen, ettet tulisi saastaiseksi.
  • Älköön kukaan nainen paritelko eläimen kanssa, sillä sellainen on luonnonvastaista.
  • Älkää saastuttako itseänne tällaisilla teoilla. Niiden takia ovat tulleet saastaisiksi ne kansat, jotka minä ajan pois teidän tieltänne, ja myös se maa on tullut saastaiseksi. Siksi minä panen sen maan vastaamaan näistä pahoista teoista, ja se oksentaa ulos asukkaansa.
  • Pitäkää sen tähden minun lakini ja käskyni. Älköön kukaan teistä, olipa hän pysyvä asukas tai teidän keskuudessanne asuva siirtolainen, tehkö mitään näistä iljettävistä teoista.
  • Kaikkia näitä iljetyksiä ovat sen maan entiset asukkaat tehneet, ja näin he ovat saastuttaneet maansa. Älkää te siis teoillanne saastuttako maata, ettei se oksentaisi pois teitäkin, niin kuin se oksentaa entiset asukkaansa.
  • Jokainen, joka tekee yhdenkään näistä kauhistuttavista teoista, on poistettava kansansa keskuudesta. Pitäkää minun säädökseni älkääkä ryhtykö noudattamaan mitään niistä iljettävistä tavoista, joita on noudatettu ennen teitä, ettette saastuttaisi niillä itseänne. Minä olen YHWH, teidän Elohim.”

3 Mooseksen Kirja 20:11-15.

“Jos mies häpäisee oman isänsä makaamalla hänen vaimonsa kanssa, molemmat syylliset on surmattava; he ovat itse ansainneet kuolemansa. Jos mies makaa miniänsä kanssa, heidät on molemmat surmattava.

He ovat tehneet luonnottoman teon ja ovat itse ansainneet kuolemansa. Jos mies makaa miehen kanssa niin kuin naisen kanssa maataan, he ovat molemmat tehneet kauhistuttavan teon ja heidät on surmattava. He ovat itse ansainneet kuolemansa.

Jos joku ottaa vaimokseen naisen ja hänen äitinsä tai naisen ja hänen tyttärensä, se on törkeä teko, jonka vuoksi sekä mies että molemmat naiset on poltettava. Sen kaltaista törkeyttä ei saa sallia teidän keskuudessanne. Jos mies sekaantuu eläimeen, hänet on surmattava, ja myös eläin on surmattava.

Jos nainen parittelee eläimen kanssa, surmattakoon sekä nainen että eläin. Molemmat on surmattava, sillä kumpikin on ansainnut kuolemansa.”

Edelliset Kirjoitukset oli kirjoitettu ylös noin 3470 vuotta sitten.

Kun Luvattu Messias oli syntynyt ja aloittanut työn, ja valinnut 12 apostolia Evankeliumia varten, yksi niistä Apostoleista oli Fariseus nimellä Shaul.

Saul kirjoitti vuonna 60, Saulin kirjoitus liittyi siihen mikä on synti ja miten ihminen saa selvän pesäeron hengellisen elämän ja syntisen elämän välille.

Sauli kirjoituksissa ei olut mitään epäselvyyksiä siitä onko syntiä olemassa. Sauli kirjoitti älykkäästi, järkevästi, hän teki selvän pesäeron puhtaan ja epäpuhtaan välillä. Samoin myös erotta viisauden tyhmyydestä, ja pihan mielen hengellisestä mielestä.  

Suomen Kansa Pitäisi Ajatella Suomen Kansan Älyä ja Viisautta Kansainvälisesti


Shaulin Kirje Rooma Kaupunkiin.


“He väittävät olevansa viisaita mutta ovat tulleet tyhmiksi, ja he ovat vaihtaneet katoamattoman Jumalan kirkkauden katoavaisten ihmisten ja lintujen, nelijalkaisten ja matelijoiden kuviin. Sen vuoksi Jumala on jättänyt heidät mielihalujensa valtaan sellaiseen saastaisuuteen, että he keskinäisissä suhteissaan häpäisevät oman ruumiinsa. He ovat vaihtaneet Jumalan totuuden valheeseen, he ovat kunnioittaneet ja palvelleet luotua eivätkä Luojaa – olkoon hän ikuisesti ylistetty, aamen. Siksi Jumala on jättänyt heidät häpeällisten himojen valtaan. Naiset ovat vaihtaneet luonnollisen sukupuoliyhteyden luonnonvastaiseen, ja miehet ovat samoin luopuneet luonnollisesta yhteydestä naisiin ja heissä on syttynyt himo toisiaan kohtaan. Miehet ovat harhautuneet harjoittamaan keskenään säädyttömyyttä ja saavat ansaitsemansa palkan.

Koska he eivät ole antaneet arvoa Jumalan tuntemiselle, on Jumala jättänyt heidät arvottomien ajatusten valtaan, tekemään sellaista mikä ei sovi. He ovat täynnä kaikenlaista vääryyttä, halpamaisuutta, ahneutta ja pahuutta, täynnä kateutta, murhanhimoa, riitaisuutta, petollisuutta ja pahansuopuutta, he panettelevat ja parjaavat, vihaavat Jumalaa, ovat röyhkeitä ja pöyhkeitä, rehenteleviä ja pahanilkisiä, vanhemmilleen tottelemattomia, ymmärtämättömiä ja epäluotettavia, rakkaudettomia ja säälimättömiä. 32Vaikka he tietävät Jumalan säätäneen, että ne, jotka käyttäytyvät tällä tavoin, ovat ansainneet kuoleman, he toimivat itse näin, vieläpä osoittavat hyväksymistään, kun muut tekevät samoin.”

Suomi Voitti Viidellä Rintamalla.

Suomi voitti Presidentti Äänestyksessä viidellä rintamalla nipin napin.

  1. Diplomaattisesti
  2. Eettisesti
  3. Moraalisesti
  4. Militaarisesti
  5. Raamatullisesti

Kokoomus Puolueen Presidentti ehdokas Alexander Stubb on hyvä Presidentti Suomelle ja kansalle.

  • Suomen puolustus
  • Kansainvälinen diplomatia
  • Hyvä esimerkki rooli Suomen nuorille liikunta ja terveys
  • Moni kielinen
  • Kannustaa Suomi NATO kehitystä, toimintaa ja yhteyttä

Happy New Year Poem 2023

New Year Poem

Sandra Hearth © Sandra Hearth more by Sandra Hearth

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018

Another year is coming to a close.
We can forget our troubles and woes.

For me, this year was tough.
It brought many emotions, was tearful and rough.

Now another year is approaching fast.
Let’s hope it’s a New Year with love and health; let’s hope it’s a blast.

May all of your dreams come true
And you find peace and love in all that you do.

May this world know the gentle sound of a hush.
May it calm all its anger and slow its pace from the rush.

May we all hear the sound of joy
And push away all that hurts, all that destroys.

The New Year I hope will be good to us all.
Care and calm, a helping hand when we fall.

Listen more, slow down, and say I love you.
Stop for a moment; take a breath, take in the view.

Appreciate your family; tell them you care.
Do something exciting, a thrill or a dare.

Enjoy all that the New Year may give.
We have but one life, so let’s learn to live.

It’s a New Year, a brand new start.
Always remember, live and love from your heart.

Wishing each and every one a year to behold,
And may it be full of wonders for you to unfold.

Love, hugs, and kisses too…
A very happy New Year from me to you.

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018

How To Discuss Internet Safety With Your Teen

The Allied Forces Moral Flip Flop Record 1939-1950

The Western Leaders history record from 1922 to 1950 is a dodgy. Their passivity to the Bolsheviks revolution ground swell in Russia 1914-1922. The sheer rebellion and anarchy of the Bolsheviks to flip the Russian monarchy and to establishing the crude State atheism in Russia 1922. Followed by persecution of religion, Stalin purges, Moscow Trials and topped up with the Molotov & Ribbentrop pact in 1939. Not even the invasion of Poland, Finland and Estonia got much more than a blip on he political radar of the Western leaders. 22,000 Polish Nationals murdered in the Katyn forest 1940. Only some six months later the Western Leaders were calling Joseph Stalin “Good Old Joe”. After Stalin had executed hundreds of thousands of Russians and other nationals.

What does that say about the Western leaders moral sensibilities in 1940? They were spiritually blind and deaf. Lack of faith and belief in the Creator of Life (YHWH) and His written instructions (Torah).


“There is much evidence to prove that the Allied forces cowered before the Soviet Union leaders. Moreover, given his powers to do as he and the Nemesis wished on the Baltic States and The war-responsibility trials in Finland 1945,1946.” (Encyclopedia, War-responsibility trials in Finland, 1945)

The most obvious follow-up questions regarding the War-responsibility trials in Finland are: Where were the War-responsibility trials of Soviet Union Russian 1939-1940 held? Where were the War-responsibility trials of Poland’s Katyn Forest massacre held? Where and when were they held? When will the United States and England 1941-1945 war-responsibility trials be held?  

“The Western Alliance has often said they were the principled people? And that they are strutting on the moral high ground. That is the essence that they refer to in the International War Crime Court of Nuremberg. They continue to arrest the Nazi Germany war criminals from 1939 – to 1945. They arrest the Nazi German officers and take them out of the aged people’s homes at the old age over 80 to 90’ s.”

On What Basis Are the Old and Frail WW 2 Soldiers Being Arrested?

“In any case, their judgment is one-sided and biased as the drunken despots were biased in Berlin in 1945, 1946. Russian soldiers are raping the citizen women of Berlin, approved by their officers. (Rape, 1945).

“In the following chapter is, the Axis personnel indicted for war crimes. The following is a list of War Crime Trials and the people suspected of committing war crimes on behalf of Nazi Germany or any of the Axis”……………………..

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 3850-3853).

Allied Forces Themselves Did Not Abide by the Nuremberg Principles. Yet they hanged the Nazis war criminals on those principles. That is a double moral standard. “Do as I say, but not as I do”.


Principle I.

“Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefore and liable to punishment.”  

Principle II.

The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.”  

Principle III.

The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.”  

Principle IV.

Main article: Superior orders “The fact that a person acted under the order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law provided a moral choice be in fact possible to him.”

This principle could be paraphrased as follows: “It is not an acceptable excuse to say ‘I was just following my superior’s orders.’”

Previous to the time of the Nuremberg Trials, this excuse was known in common parlance as “Superior Orders.”

After the prominent, high-profile event of the Nuremberg Trials, that excuse is now referred to by many as the “Nuremberg Defense.”

In recent times, a third term, “lawful orders,” has become common parlance for some people.

All three terms are in use today, and they all have slightly different nuances of meaning, depending on the context in which they are used. Nuremberg Principle IV is legally supported by the jurisprudence found in individual articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which deal indirectly with conscientious objection.

It is also supported by the principles found in paragraph 171 of the Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status, which was issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Those principles deal with the conditions under which conscientious objectors can apply for refugee status in another country if they face persecution in their own country for refusing to participate in an illegal war.  

Principle V

“Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.”  

Principle VI

The crimes from now on set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

Crimes against peace: Planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements, or assurances; participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).  

War crimes: Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of the civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the Seas, killing of hostages, the plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.  

Crimes against humanity: Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done, or such persecutions are carried on in the execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.”  

Principle VII

“Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as outlined in Principle VI is a crime under international law.” (Nuremberg_principles, 1945)

The above Nuremberg Trials was the Jurisprudence for convicting the Nazi Germany

Officers for their part in the conspiracy to commit war crimes. Likewise, the Soviet Union -Russian leaders need to judge according to the same standards of the International law and the moral code. According to the Spirit of the Natural Law. Nothing more, nothing less, that is the Spirit of true justice.

Source: Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 3838-3840).


Amazon Books.

See the Book Preview from here.


“SOVIET CONSPIRACY. The conspiracy and the aggression of the Soviet Union in 1939 was the implementation of the Soviet Union share in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression. Even before the two parties met to discuss the Pact, it was apparently a Crime against Peace conspiracy, intention to rob the innocent with military aggression, and forceful violence.”

Joseph Stalin was a willing partner in the plan to invade and take the Baltic States and Finland by force and to subjugate them under the totalitarian Soviet domination, just like they did with Poland 1939, Estonia, Latvia, Czechoslovakia from 1940 – 1991.   The Soviets military occupied the Baltic States for 50 years. The intent in the crime against peace and aggression was evident in the Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact.

“Both parties of the Pact agreed to benefit themselves from the aggression of warfare against the Baltic States and Finland. Many hundreds of thousands of innocent peoples died from the cause of the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression 1939-41.”

Why has such blatant crime against peace by the Soviet Union being treated with such indifference and nationalistic pride by the Russian leaders? Also, it was treated with indifference by the Allied forces during 1941-1991?

“To answer to that question is self-evident. First, there needs to be an established definition of truth and integrity. The absolute definition of what is a natural state, law of nature, and what are natural rights?   THE LAW OF NATURE The only constraint given by the law of nature is that the rights that we have, the natural rights that we have, we can’t give them up to another. It is a human moral responsibility under the Spirit of Natural Law. Nor can we take rights away from others.”

Under the state of nature, people are not free to take other’s life, or their liberty, or their property. Those are the fundamental rights and the responsible, intelligent human character traits that humans are obliged to uphold spiritually. The human response is to be faithful to human qualities, more than animal reactions or responses.   Human beings do not even have the freedom to take their own life or liberty away. That would be morally irresponsible.

“The nature of the intelligent human mind is to have a free will with liberty, the ability to choose right. They do not have the liberty to violate the spiritual law of nature. They do not have the freedom to take their own life or to sell themselves to slavery. Or to give someone arbitrary power over them.”

Why is that? Where does such a human spiritual law of nature come from? There are absolute minimal constraints? It comes from the Creator of life. People are the creatures created by God. He has the last property rights to human beings and animals. They are living beings, created with a living soul. Intellect will, imaginations, consciousness, memory, and emotions.   The human mind with intellect and consciousness, created in the image of God.

“Enables the mind to understand with self-awareness what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior. The exercise of the will, with intelligent consciousness, makes a choice; it chooses to do that which is right. The obstacle to making the right choice can be self-will. Desire wants or coveting someone else’s person or property. The mechanism of the self-will can submit the self to a higher cause. Truth, integrity, respect for other people’s rights. Therefore, the intelligent, conscious person can quit the self-will, humble themselves, and maintain a respectable human character above the carnal flesh’s selfish desires.”  


“That obliges every one: and reason, which is that law that teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.”

Jock Locke.

“Natural rights are inalienable rights. Every human has a property in his own person. Therefore, nobody has any right to but to him/ herself. The labor of his body and the work of his hands are also the property of his and her. Ultimately made only possible by the Creator of life. That is the Spirit of the Natural law. Human Natural rights to live in harmony with the will of the Creator of life.”

Therefore, totalitarian dictators that are driven by selfish ambitions, populism, and nationalistic forces need to be condemned without any reservations because they are violating the Spirit of the Natural Law, Natural Rights, and the dignity of human life.

“Most obviously, human rebellion and lawlessness against the Spirit of the Natural Law sow the seeds of anarchy, which works to do the Nemesis’s will on earth. There is an ongoing violent conflict happening in human lives recruitment of people’s souls to two opposing forces. Good and evil.”……………………………..

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 4411-4426).

Finland is an arctic Country

“Finland as an Arctic country is one of many in the Arctic circle of friends. However, only about 1/3 of Finland geographically is situated within the Arctic Circle. Throughout the Arctic Circle, those that are living above the 60th parallel of latitude are predominantly Finns, with these statics being close to 1 in 3. Finland is an Arctic country with a historical presence in the cold winter climate of the close Arctic proximity.”

This post is an article from the Bloggers Guide To Arctic Finland Book.

“The North-East Fennoscandia and now part of Finland area was initially inhabited by the Sami indigenous peoples. There are cave paintings that go back to 9000 to 6000 BC in the Finnmark region of the current Norway

It later became under the influence of the kingdom of Sweden In 1533, it became part of Russia. In 1920, the area became part of Finland. The area was later annexed and ceded over in 1944 to the Soviet Union under the World War 2 expansionist ambitions of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.”

Municipality of Petsamo

Arctic Sea fish resources

Finland access to the Arctic Sea came about by the Treaty of Tartu.

“Treaty of Tartu (Russian: Тартуский мирный договор, Finnish: Tarton rauha) between Finland and Soviet Russia that was signed on 14 October 1920 after negotiations that lasted four months. The treaty confirmed the border between Finland and Soviet Russia after the Finnish civil war and Finnish volunteer expeditions in Russian East Karelia. Ratifications of the treaty were exchanged in Moscow on December 31, 1920. The treaty was registered in the League of Nations Treaty Series on March 5, 1921. The treaty confirmed that the Finnish-Soviet border would follow the old border between the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland and Imperial Russia. Finland additionally received Petsamo, with its ice-free harbor on the Arctic Ocean. As far back as 1864, Tsar Alexander II had promised to join Petsamo to Finland in exchange for a piece of the Karelian Isthmus.”

From 1920 to 1939 Finland had access to the Arctic Sea for the natural resources of fishing by the Port of Petsamo. It was blocked by the Soviet Union invasion in 1939 and a few years later became annexed in 1945. Before this, Finland had access to the Barents Sea from 1920 to 1939.

Extremes of Finland

Lapland is one of the northernmost provinces in Finland, and there are periods during the summer when the sun does not set for weeks on end. However, during the winter month’s, the sun stays below the horizon for weeks at a time. It is during winter in Finland that snow coats the region and rivers freeze completely. The cold and frigid temperatures are nothing new to those living in Finland. Temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius are ordinary during winter, and in the summer season, the temperatures can rise above 30+ degrees Celsius.

Surviving Arctic Conditions

Those living in Finland have become used to the Arctic conditions that come with close proximity to the North pole, tradition, and culture in the region has adopted the customs to the Arctic conditions over time. In terms of international trade, Finland is often referred to as an island. This is because most export and essential is done by sea. Even though the weather in Finland can be treacherous and unpredictable, that has not stopped Finish ports from being kept ice-free at all times. This allows Finland to be known as the top maritime industry location. Did you know that more than half of the world’s ice-breakers are produced in Finland?

Arctic Finland Arctic Sea Importance to Finland

Arctic Finland Arctic Sea has sustainable, practical use in the maritime industry integral to Finland, but construction and the mining industry have also become to mine in Finland. The Arctic conditions of this region historically have been manipulated to allow specific industries to succeed in the unique, sensitive Arctic environment.

Access to the Barents Sea

“Finland had access to the Barents Sea fishing by the Port of Petsamo from 1920 to 1939, but the Petsamo municipality and the Port of Petsamo gave access to the Arctic Ocean. The Petsamo municipality that was granted by the Nicholas 2 was revoked the Soviet Union Leader ambitions Joseph Stalin in 1939 and 1944. It is reasonable for Finland to petition for the return of the land that was wrongfully taken away in 1940 and 1944 along the shoreline of the Arctic Ocean. It is a practical gesture that does affect the economy of Finland, natural resources, and energy that Finland provides to the Arctic region, its access is called for and should be granted. The Gulf of Finland was a natural resource of fishing for the people of  Finland and Karelia ever since the beginning of the Nomads settling there over 3000 years ago. However, the totalitarian expansion and encroachment of the Soviet Union into the territory of the people of Finland in the Karelian Isthmus came from the ever-growing population of Russian Petersburg and their desire to gravitate towards Europe like it was a cash magnet.”

Thank you for visiting website and reading this article. More related material at Arctic Suomi Face Book page.

Children of Various Ages will Deal with Divorce Differently

Children will process divorce differently

Some children are so young when their parent’s divorce that they don’t ever remember them being together. Others are old enough to always remember what took place. They will recall what they were doing when they found out about it and how it affected them. It is essential for parents to understand that children of various ages will deal with divorce differently.

This means you are going to need to prepare yourself for what each of your children will understand the process. For some children, it is nothing more than knowing that their dad won’t be living in the same house with them. For others, it is a complete change of life from the way they have always known it. On top of all of that, children of the same age group will also look at the divorce process differently.

Understanding the feelings of your children and how they relate to divorce is extremely important. Very young children, even those that aren’t old enough to talk yet can understand the emotions of people. They can often identify issues such as stress, tension, and they definitely know when their parents are upset.

As a result of this, their own behaviors may change. They may cling to one or both of their parents. They may not want to go to strangers. Temper tantrums, as well as crying, are frequent. A young child may exhibit changes in their eating and sleeping patterns as well.

Children from about three years of age to around five will be able to verbalize some questions about the divorce. They will often notice that the other person isn’t around like they used to be. They may pose questions such as why the other parent doesn’t go to the park with them or whey they live someplace else.

Children that are from the age of six to about eleven will likely know someone who has divorced parents. They will probably know what the term means. However, that doesn’t mean they are going to readily accept it. Be ready for some changes in behavior as well as some very tough questions.

Displays of anger are ubiquitous with this age group as the children are easily overwhelmed by their emotions. They may lack the skills to effectively be able to handle what has been taking place. Do your best to get them to talk about it even if they aren’t sure what they are feeling or why.

Older children who are from twelve and up often understand more about divorce than any other age group. They may blame themselves or attempt to find more detailed answers as to what was taking place. Chances are that this older age group was well aware of some issues in the marriage before the announcement of the divorce entered the picture.

It is very common for children in this age group to be angry at one parent and to want to be a caregiver for the other. Do your best to get your child to see both parents as equals. If you can offer a united front as far as the divorce and care for the children though it will be easier for them to do so. Children don’t need to be your confidante when it comes to divorce. Turn to another adult for someone to listen or to a professional counselor.

Children of various ages will deal with divorce differently, and parents need to be aware of it. This is going to be a considerable change for each person involved. Adults need to get a handle on their own emotions through so that they can focus their energy on meeting the needs of their children.

How you approach things with your children during the divorce process is going to affect them for the rest of their lives. With that in mind work hard to have a relationship with your ex on some level. Even if it is nothing more than a hello and goodbye when you exchange the children, the kids will notice it.

Happy New Year 2019 Greetings, and thank you for visiting Arctic Suomi website and reading up on this Children of Various Ages will Deal with Divorce Differently article post. For more related similar articles visit

Finland’s Liberation War In 1918

Finland’s Liberation War In 1918

The people of Finland Liberation War In 1918, has been described in several ways; a Liberation war, the Bolsheviks expulsion out of Finland, the war between the Reds and Blues, and last but not the least the civil war, whatever that may mean?

From the Nemesis Book.

“The conflict cause was the Bolsheviks lawlessness and importing the same spirit to Finland as the Russian revolution fever. It was lawless anarchy. Also Finland’s moral duty to isolate it, to quarantine it and stop the anarchy from spreading into a civilized society.
It started on January 27 to May 15, 1918. The internal conflict fuelled by the events of the Russian rebellion by the Bolsheviks. There were a tremendous political coveting and maneuvering efforts made for the future political party power and leadership that would gain control of Finland territory.”

“The transition phase from the Grand Duchy of Finland Governed by the Russian Governors to an independent state seriously messed up the rule of law by the Bolshevik Socialist. They took the law into their own hands.”

“One example of that is when the Socialist formed a militia to patrol and dominate the streets in the name and the spirit of the Russian revolution. The Socialist sacked the entire police force in Finland with the Russian military mutineers. They took up the police officers positions in the police stations in their self-appointed way.
Because of the lawlessness on the street led by the Bolsheviks anarchy and the sacking of the police forces, there were white guards or home security forces formed to bring balance and to ensure a genuine spirit of the rule of law.”

“Therefore, the spiritual watershed appeared between the violent Bolshevik rebellion and the white Finn guards that did respect the spirit of the rule of law.

Again the same checks and balances of respect for life, the human rights. The Spirit of the Natural law.”

“The obstinate, willful human actions to violate the spirit of the Natural Law started with the Russian revolution. It was not contained in Russia but spilled over the border to Finland. Therefore, the Bolsheviks, the socialists, and those that perpetuated the anarchy are responsible for causing the violence. ”


“There was a cost to those that participated in the Russian revolution; they had moved spiritually to the wrong side of the Spirit of the Natural law. Many given to the spirit of rebellion; others were coerced or forced to join the red armband protesters collective marchers, to join the protesting revolution bandwagon.
The self-justification is often the first reaction when an individual has is tempted and given to the temptation indeed. Once self-justification has completed the process, deep inside the mind, the neuron cell connections connected and established to a new paradigm.”

“The next step is to lead, trigger and release the emotions to a positive experience of the new experience based reality. Often by joining with others that share the same values, to celebrate the new paradigm, the new found reality is ushered in with a celebratory emotional experience.
Lies and deceit can also be introduced, by blaming the innocent side, and unconsciously making them the scapegoats that carry the blame.”

“After the self-deceit of the conscious mind, the human soul always tries covertly to cover the tracks of the past reality, with suppression of the truth reality, especially when there is a conflict of interest. The memory of valued truth, or truth-based reality, a compromised shift from truth to falsehood, can create a conflict of interest, and mixed emotions of the conscience. It may only be like a small hard pebble inside footwear, but it signals through the nerves of something having existence. “

“A truth based reality is built layer upon layer, decision upon decision and time upon time, it is at the core human personality development. Ideally, the self-identity is built upon sustainable integrity.
The Spirit of the Natural Law is a sustainable reality, impartial to persons, nationality, religion, politics, social status, military power or gender. It is a common denominator that judges human actions and deeds. It is a transcendent Spirit of the Natura Law. A law has no material entity; it is immaterial.”


Learn more about The Nemesis Book at The Nemesis Face Book Page.

Also the website link here.

How to Discuss Internet Safety with Your Teen

How to Discuss Internet Safety with Your Teen

Are you the parent of a teenager who uses the internet?  If you are, have you already had the internet safety talk with your teenager?  If you haven’t, it is time for that talk to occur.  As nice as it is to be able to use the internet for school research projects or to communicate with friends online, it is important to remember that the internet can also be a danger to children and teenagers.

As nice as it is to hear that you should talk to your teenager about internet safety, you may be curious as to how you can go about doing so.  Bringing up the subject can be hard, as your teen may automatically become defensive.  The good news is that you do have a number of different options.  One of those options is to just go for it.

How to Discuss Internet Safety with Your Teen
Mother with daughter outdoors reading a story book.

How to Discuss Internet Safety with Your Teen Explained

When you outright discuss internet safety with your teenager, make sure that you pick a good time to have the talk.  Don’t start ranting right away about your teen’s internet use and the dangers after a disagreement or when tensions are already high.  With teenagers, this can lead to other problems.  It may cause your teenager to not listen to you just for the point of not listening or they may purposely defy you.

Another option that you have, when looking to discuss internet safety with your child, is to wait until your child gets off the computer.  When they walk away, ask them if they know about being safe online and the dangers that the internet has.  This is a great opener, when your child is already using the computer.  It may make you sound less like an overprotective, overbearing parent, at least in the eyes of your teenager.

When discussing internet safety with your teenager, it is important to not assume that your child already knows.  Even if your child stops you and tells you they already know how to be safe online, don’t stop.  Be sure to restate your point and establish any internet rules you would like your child to follow.  It is important to remember that many teenagers think they know everything, but many don’t.  For example, your child may know that there are internet predators out there, but do they also know that pictures of them smoking or drinking underage could get them suspended from school or even arrested, no matter how “cool,” they look on a MySpace page?

Speaking of MySpace, it is important to know what you should talk to your child about.  Since many teenagers use MySpace and other similar social networking websites, they should be discussed.  Make sure your child knows that anyone can hide behind a computer, even a sexual predator.  Also, let them know the dangers of posting personal information and pictures on their social networking profiles.

In addition to social networking websites, like MySpace, internet chat rooms should also be discussed.  Internet chat rooms are different, but similar in nature to instant messaging programs, like AOL or MSN.  Generally speaking, instant messaging programs are safer for teens to use, as they aren’t automatically paired up and thrown into a chat room with other internet users, who are essentially strangers.  As with social networking websites, make sure that your child knows that they could, essentially, be talking to anyone.  Tell them to get out of a chat room right away if the tone turns sexual in nature or if they receive a private message from someone who makes them feel uncomfortable.

How to Discuss Internet Safety with Your Teen And make Creative Progress

You may also want to discuss personal blogs.  Many websites, like and allow internet users to start free blogs.  Many teens find this a nice and easy way to vent or allow their friends to stay up-to-date on their thoughts.  Your teenager needs to know that anyone can view these blogs, so their information really isn’t private and personal, say as a handwritten journal.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can go about discussing internet safety with your teenager.  Remember to do so, however, before it is too late.  Any child who uses the internet should be well aware of the dangers that lurk.

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How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet

How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet

Are you the parent of a child or a teen who uses the internet?  If so, you likely already know that the internet can be a dangerous place for a child, especially if your child uses online chat rooms or social networking websites.  For that reason, there are a number of steps that you, as a parent, will want to take to protect your child when they use the internet.

The first step that you should take, to help keep your child safe online, is to know as much as you can about computers and the internet.  Did you know that there are ways for you to see which websites have been visited on a computer?  Did you know that some computers already have parental controls installed on them that just need to be set?  You can only benefit from these tools that can help to protect your child if you know that they do exist.

How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet
Education – Pupils at the class room desk writing

How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet Explained

Speaking of parental controls, be sure to know what your computer has.  If you have an older model computer, you may benefit from purchasing additional software programs.  These programs can easily be found for sale online or in most media or office supply stores.  As for the programs that may already be on your computer, open up a new Internet Explorer window.  From the main headings at the top of the page, click on “Tools,” and then “Internet Options.”  A new window will appear; highlight the “Content,” tab and right away you will see an option that lets you block certain content from showing on a computer.

In keeping with parental controls, don’t give into a child who complains about them being used.  If you create a password to override these controls, which you may need if your whole family shares a computer, that password can also be used for your teenager.  Don’t give them the password though.  Use it to unblock certain sites that they ask and you first approve.

How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet By The Location Of the Machine

Another easy way that you can protect your child when they use the internet is to have the computer in a frequently traveled room.  You can also limit the use of certain websites, like social networking websites or internet chat rooms.  Make them only available when you are home or in the same room.  If your child has their own computer, like a laptop that they can take anywhere with them, be sure to check the internet history of their computer randomly every week or so.

Speaking of which, do not let your child have their own login information.  When you first turn on a computer, you often see a button that says someone’s name.  Many families use one standard account.  Your child can easily create their own.  If they do, do not let them have their own password.  This can make it difficult or impossible for you to examine their online activities.  Having you checkup on their online activities may not be something that your teen likes, but you likely purchased the computer and you, as the parent, have the right to check.

As it was previously stated, you will want to check the internet history of a child who has their own computer or if your child uses the family computer when you are not home.  If you have Internet Explorer, which most computers do, open a new internet window.  Towards the top of the page, you will see a menu bar with a number of pictured icons.  You can check the history of a computer by clicking on the icon with a clock and a small green arrow.  This should tell you which websites your teenager has been viewing online.

Finally, it is important that you talk with your teenager about the dangers of using the internet, namely social networking websites or internet chat rooms.  Teach them what to do if they are harassed online or approached by an internet predator.  Make sure they know not to erase the information, but rather to save it or show it to you right away, especially if you decide to contact your local police department.

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How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet

How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet

Are you the parent of a child who uses the internet or the parent of a child who will start using the internet soon?  If you are, you should know that the internet is a great way to stay up-to-date on the news, do research for school projects, and communicate with friends, but it can also be very dangerous.  As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your child stays safe online.  Unfortunately, for this to happen you must know your way around a computer and the internet.  Do you?

How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet
Enjoying a good read Outdoors in the open air.

How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet Explained

A child should never know more than a parent does about the internet.  At the very least, you should know about the same.  If you are looking to block adult websites or websites that have offensive language, it will not do you any good if your teenager knows ways to get around the parental controls that you set.  That is why it is important that you know how to use a computer and the internet or learn if you don’t know.

How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet And Stay In Touch With That Realm

Another reason why you should be well educated on the internet and computer use is because you are better able to fully understand the dangers of them.  You may hear that an internet predator approached or kidnapped a child on the news, but you may automatically assume that it will not happen to your child.  Unfortunately, until you understand how the internet works, you really have no idea.  Does your child use internet chat rooms or social networking websites?  If so, do you know how easy the internet makes it for someone to create a whole new, fake identity?

A good understanding of computer and internet use can better enable you to protect your child.  Do you know that Internet Explorer, the browser that comes standard, has a free parental control option that just needs to be activated?  A few easy steps and you can have certain websites blocked from your child.  Unfortunately, you won’t know this if you don’t know all that you can know about the computer or the internet.  Speaking of the internet, additional online safety tools for parents can be purchased online as well.

Now that you know the importance of staying in the know about the internet and a computer in general, you may be curious as to how you can go about doing so.  The good news is that there are a number of ways that you can learn all that you need to know about computer and internet use.  A few of these ways are outlined below for your convenience.

Teaching yourself is an easy way to learn about the internet and computer use.  In fact, what better way is there than to just jump on the computer and see what you can find.  For starters, examine your computer or your internet browser for free internet safety tools for parents. You may also want to visit some of the websites that your child visits, just to see what they are subjecting themselves to.  Visit their online profile for MySpace, Facebook, or another social networking website.  Does it make you uneasy?  Are the discussions taking place in your child’s favorite chat room too adult?

You can also ask a trusted friend or relative for help.  Do not ask your child or teenager for help though.  If they know that you want to set up parental controls or keep tabs on their internet use, they may withhold important information from you.  Instead, invite a trusted friend or relative over for coffee and lunch and let them show you the ins and outs of the internet.  All you really need is a couple of hours.

You can also take an internet or computer education course.  These courses are sometimes offered for free or for an affordable fee by local community groups, colleges, or vocational training centers.  In fact, see if your child’s school offers anything.  Some schools host informational seminars for parents on internet safety about once a year.

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